About Limbic OptiMind

2321255829Things weren’t always this bad, so…

What went wrong?

Why can’t you figure out how to feel right?

What does it even mean to have positive mental health?

Many people struggle just to feel okay again – even after going to therapy. They do everything they can to heal and change, but they’re left feeling hopeless, wondering if they’re just “broken.”

So… where do you start… whom do you trust??

Wouldn’t it be amazing…

… to have someone who gets it and can guide you toward a better life?

Believe it or not, there are solutions.

I’m here to help!

Your brain is just waiting to heal!

It and your nervous system just need the right environment and a few nudges from the right techniques.

At Limbic OptiMind, you’ll have a compassionate, nonjudgmental space to understand how your life experience has shaped your brain and nervous system.

We’ll look at how your brain processes information, examine any history of brain injury or trauma, and assess your current level of functioning.

We’ll leverage your strengths to achieve your goals for therapy and life.

1b0a0194Putting you on the right path…

Sometimes, all it takes is a little information on how to have a healthy brain and good mental health. We’ll make sure you get the education you need so you’ll know what we’re doing, why we’re doing it, and what we hope to achieve, every step of the way.

We’ll use several approaches and techniques to reduce the intensity and triggers associated with painful memories, integrate your thoughts, emotions, and actions, and provide comfort and calm to your mind and body.

Your questions and feedback are welcome throughout the process.

This is your life!

No matter what’s happened in your past or how long you’ve been struggling, you can heal from trauma in a fraction of that time.

After our work together, you’ll still remember the past, but it will no longer disturb you.

Your trauma symptoms will fade, you’ll feel relief in your mind and body, and you’ll get your mental clarity and positive outlook back.

Let’s make a real change and reconnect you to life!

Call now and we’ll talk more during your free consultation: (346) 626-1634.

About Me

AdminMy family and I come from a long line of military service.

My grandmother once told me I should register for membership in The Daughters of The American Revolution because I’ve had a family member from each generation in every conflict since the Revolutionary War.

My paternal grandfather and great-grandfather were in World War II, and my maternal grandfather earned a Purple Heart in Korea. My father served in the Vietnam War, and his brother retired from the Navy.

We are all very proud to have three cousins in an exceptionally prestigious naval organization and several others who have (or still) served in the Army, Navy, and Marines.

But service can come with a price.

It’s easy to look back at my family and see PTSD and the intergenerational trauma that came with it.

I can’t tell you how many service members I’ve talked to who didn’t want to ask for help, or didn’t want to talk about it, because they thought no one would understand.

That motivated me to find a better way. I began studying trauma in 2012 and got my first position working with teens rescued from trafficking rings. I continued to study while deployed and returned home to work in a trauma-centered private practice and as a psychiatric assessor in hospital emergency rooms.

I’ve had my fair share of trauma, too.

But I’ve learned how to heal, and, I’ve experienced the success of the methods I use in my practice.

I want the same for you! My clients have accused me of “doing magic,” “having a little witch box,” and “Jedi Mind-Tricking” them.

I want you to be free. Start today with your free consultation: (346) 626-1634.