2394218023Being misunderstood is a special kind of suffering.

“I’m not normal.”

“I’m a freak.”

“I’m a shame to my family.”

“I can’t let anyone at work know the real me.”

“I could lose everything if anyone found out.”

If you’re exploring your gender, at any stage of transition, or questioning your sexual preferences, I’m here to walk with you and help you figure it out.

So many struggles and concerns…

As a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, it can be particularly difficult to find a romantic partner or community that accepts you. Unfortunately, that can mean your family and friends too.

It can feel impossible to come out or live authentically if doing so means losing friends or getting kicked out of your home. It’s hard enough facing discrimination, bullying, or micro-aggressions out in the world, but not being accepted by those you’ve grown up with – those who are supposed to love you…

It’s traumatic… and lonely… and the pain can be overwhelming.

Coping isn’t easy.

If only it were as easy as attending a church camp, leaning into religion, or “praying the gay away.” Being forced into thinking or programs designed to change who you are, fundamentally, is painful and traumatic.

And, it’s further evidence of a world that doesn’t understand, or care to understand, you; one where you often feel unseen and unloved for who you are.

If you’ve been feeling small or unappreciated…

2016066080You’ve come to the right place.

It’s time to be authentically YOU! You need a safe space with someone who understands the mental health concerns unique to the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

At Limbic OptiMind, we provide affirmative, inclusive care and embrace all expressions of identity. This is a place for those of us who feel different to be vulnerable and get the help we deserve.

When you’re here, you can discuss any and all of your mental health concerns. We’ll work on exploring your identity, building relationships, and developing healthy coping strategies. We’ll also play an active role in helping you advocate for your rights and combat discrimination.

No matter who you are or what you’re going through, just having someone who understands is a big part of healing.

Ready to be seen, heard, and understood?

We’re here to help you find solutions and navigate this life.

You deserve to flourish!

Call now and we can talk more during your free 15-minute consultation: (346) 626-1634.